Source code for flask_resty.authorization

from . import authentication
from .exceptions import ApiError

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[docs]class AuthorizationBase: """Base class for the API authorization components. Authorization components control access to objects based on the credentials from authentication component. Authorization components can control access in the following ways: - Disallowing a request as a whole - Filtering the list of visible rows in the database - Disallowing specific modify actions For many CRUD endpoints, :py:class:`AuthorizeModifyMixin` allows consistent control of modify operations. """
[docs] def get_request_credentials(self): """Retrieve the credentials stored in the :py:class:`flask.ctx.AppContext`. """ return authentication.get_request_credentials()
[docs] def authorize_request(self): """Authorization hook called before processing a request. Typically this hook will inspecting :py:data:`flask.request`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def filter_query(self, query, view): """Filter a query to hide unauthorized rows. :param query: The SQL construction object. :type query: :py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query` :param view: The View instance :type view: :py:class:`ModelView` :return: The filtered SQL construction object. :rtype: :py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query` """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def authorize_save_item(self, item): """Authorization hook called before saving a created or updated item. This will generally be called after `authorize_create_item` or `authorize_update_item` below. :param obj item: The model instance """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def authorize_create_item(self, item): """Authorization hook called before creating a new item. :param obj item: The model instance """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def authorize_update_item(self, item, data): """Authorization hook called before updating an existing item. :param obj item: The model instance :param dict data: A mapping from field names to updated values """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def authorize_delete_item(self, item): """Authorization hook called before deleting an existing item. :param obj item: The model instance """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class HasCredentialsAuthorizationBase(AuthorizationBase): """A base authorization component that requires some authentication. This authorization component doesn't check the credentials, but will block all requests that do not provide some credentials. """
[docs] def authorize_request(self): if self.get_request_credentials() is None: raise ApiError(401, {"code": "invalid_credentials.missing"})
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[docs]class AuthorizeModifyMixin(AuthorizationBase): """An authorization component that consistently authorizes all modifies. Child classes should implement :py:meth:`authorize_modify_item`. """
[docs] def authorize_save_item(self, item): self.authorize_modify_item(item, "save")
[docs] def authorize_create_item(self, item): self.authorize_modify_item(item, "create")
[docs] def authorize_update_item(self, item, data): self.authorize_modify_item(item, "update")
[docs] def authorize_delete_item(self, item): self.authorize_modify_item(item, "delete")
[docs] def authorize_modify_item(self, item, action): """Authorization hook for all modification actions on an item. :param obj item: The model instance :param str action: One of ``'save' | 'create' | 'update' | 'delete'`` """ raise NotImplementedError()
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[docs]class NoOpAuthorization(AuthorizationBase): """An authorization component that allows any action."""
[docs] def authorize_request(self): pass
[docs] def filter_query(self, query, view): return query
[docs] def authorize_save_item(self, item): pass
[docs] def authorize_create_item(self, item): pass
[docs] def authorize_update_item(self, item, data): pass
[docs] def authorize_delete_item(self, item): pass
[docs]class HasAnyCredentialsAuthorization( HasCredentialsAuthorizationBase, NoOpAuthorization ): """An authorization component that allows any action when authenticated. This doesn't check the credentials; it just checks that some valid credentials were provided. """ pass