Source code for flask_resty.api

import functools
import posixpath

import flask
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException

from .exceptions import ApiError

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# Don't set default value in function so we can assert on None-ness.

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def handle_api_error(error):
    return error.response

def handle_http_exception(error):
    return ApiError.from_http_exception(error).response

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[docs]class Api: """The Api object controls the Flask-RESTy extension. This can either be bound to an individual Flask application passed in at initialization, or to multiple applications via :py:meth:`init_app`. After initializing an application, use this object to register resources with :py:meth:`add_resource`, either to the bound application by default or to an explicitly-specified application object via the `app` keyword argument. Use :py:meth:`add_ping` to add a ping endpoint for health checks. Once registered, Flask-RESTy will convert all HTTP errors thrown by the application to JSON. By default your API will be rooted at '/'. Pass `prefix` to specify a custom root. :param app: The Flask application object. :type app: :py:class:`flask.Flask` :param str prefix: The API path prefix. """ def __init__(self, app=None, prefix=""): if app: self._app = app self.init_app(app) else: self._app = None self.prefix = prefix
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """Initialize an application for use with Flask-RESTy. :param app: The Flask application object. :type app: :py:class:`flask.Flask` """ app.extensions["resty"] = FlaskRestyState(self) app.register_error_handler(ApiError, handle_api_error) app.register_error_handler(HTTPException, handle_http_exception)
def _get_app(self, app): app = app or self._app assert app, "no application specified" return app
[docs] def add_resource( self, base_rule, base_view, alternate_view=None, *, alternate_rule=None, id_rule=None, app=None, ): """Add a REST resource. :param str base_rule: The URL rule for the resource. This will be prefixed by the API prefix. :param ApiView base_view: Class-based view for the resource. :param ApiView alternate_view: If specified, an alternate class-based view for the resource. Usually, this will be a detail view, when the base view is a list view. :param alternate_rule: If specified, the URL rule for the alternate view. This will be prefixed by the API prefix. This is mutually exclusive with `id_rule`, and must not be specified if `alternate_view` is not specified. :type alternate_rule: str or None :param id_rule: If specified, a suffix to append to `base_rule` to get the alternate view URL rule. If `alternate_view` is specified, and `alternate_rule` is not, then this defaults to '<id>'. This is mutually exclusive with `alternate_rule`, and must not be specified if `alternate_view` is not specified. :type id_rule: str or None :param app: If specified, the application to which to add the route(s). Otherwise, this will be the bound application, if present. :type app: :py:class:`flask.Flask` :raises AssertionError: If no Flask application is bound or specified. """ if alternate_view: if not alternate_rule: id_rule = id_rule or DEFAULT_ID_RULE alternate_rule = posixpath.join(base_rule, id_rule) else: assert id_rule is None else: assert alternate_rule is None assert id_rule is None app = self._get_app(app) endpoint = self._get_endpoint(base_view, alternate_view) base_rule_full = f"{self.prefix}{base_rule}" base_view_func = base_view.as_view(endpoint) if not alternate_view: app.add_url_rule(base_rule_full, view_func=base_view_func) return alternate_rule_full = f"{self.prefix}{alternate_rule}" alternate_view_func = alternate_view.as_view(endpoint) @functools.wraps(base_view_func) def view_func(*args, **kwargs): if flask.request.url_rule.rule == base_rule_full: return base_view_func(*args, **kwargs) else: return alternate_view_func(*args, **kwargs) app.add_url_rule( base_rule_full, view_func=view_func, endpoint=endpoint, methods=base_view.methods, ) app.add_url_rule( alternate_rule_full, view_func=view_func, endpoint=endpoint, methods=alternate_view.methods, )
def _get_endpoint(self, base_view, alternate_view): base_view_name = base_view.__name__ if not alternate_view: return base_view_name alternate_view_name = alternate_view.__name__ if len(alternate_view_name) < len(base_view_name): return alternate_view_name else: return base_view_name
[docs] def add_ping(self, rule, *, status_code=200, app=None): """Add a ping route. :param str rule: The URL rule. This will not use the API prefix, as the ping endpoint is not really part of the API. :param int status_code: The ping response status code. The default is 200 rather than the more correct 204 because many health checks look for 200s. :param app: If specified, the application to which to add the route. Otherwise, this will be the bound application, if present. :type app: :py:class:`flask.Flask` :raises AssertionError: If no Flask application is bound or specified. """ app = self._get_app(app) @app.route(rule) def ping(): return "", status_code
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FlaskRestyState: def __init__(self, api): self.api = api